Friday, December 2, 2011

Still Awake

I am still awake. I've been up for 24 hours, and don't plan on sleeping much tonight, either. To be honest, I can't get that... THING out of my head. That elusive shape in the shadows, the figure I can feel walking -right behind me- but when I turn to look, it isn't there.

I made a mistake. I bought House of Leaves and read the whole damn thing from beginning to end. Then I read only the journal entries. Now I'm reading the book part of it. I know it's just a book, but it's beginning to feel a whole freaking lot like my own life, particularly the uncertainty of it. The constant wondering: "Am I alright? Or am I going insane?"

I know I'm not going insane, Alice saw that thing too. Truth be told, I'm sorry I ever dragged her out to the woods with me. Now -she's- getting nightmares, headaches, all the crap I've been dealing with the last month or two. Misery loves company? Psh. Not when it's your best friend.

Someone tap

ed this:

To my door last night. Hell if I know what it means. For all I know I'm at the whims of some psychotic serial killer, and this is his calling card. But no, that doesn't explain what happened in Massachusetts.

I've got another video I'm going to upload today, after I get some errands done.
